Curriculum Development Specialist

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Provide support for planning, development, delivery, and evaluation of the Year One Lincoln
Scholars Curriculum including orientation, exams, and remediation; staff support for the
Curriculum Coordinator and Lincoln Scholars Program (LSP) Director; serve as liaison between
the LSP and the PA and Carbondale Family Medicine Residency Programs.

Examples of Duties

I. Administration 70%
A. Coordinate development and delivery of curriculum documents, resources, and materials
including, but not limited to, calendars, tutor group lists, student schedules, tutor guides,
exam question banks, mini-cases, exam schedules and logistics, list serves, and
doctoring materials and schedules; recruit clinicians for clinical sessions; meet requests
for information and resource material related to curriculum activities, including research;
responsible for the LSP Year One Curriculum online courses and website; oversee
preparation of exam review materials; support HTT Exam scheduling and logistics.
B. Serve as liaison between the LSP and the FCM, including Y1 unit coordinators, staff,
faculty, students, department chairs, and Information Resources; manage the flow of
information between the LSP and PA Programs, manage and share combined
C. Coordinate development of evaluative documents and disperse to the students, maintain
adequate records and communicate with the registrar when needed. Coordinate and
keep records of student advising in Y1 and end-of-unit program evaluation. Assist with
end-of-year program assessment review.
D. Coordinate and manage the logistics for a variety of daily curricular activities, meetings,
workshops, retreats, and other events, including Year 1 Orientation. Support student
onboarding to the school and clinical sites.
E. Coordinate Y1 longitudinal trainings and additional resource sessions. Work with IT to
ensure student access to needed resources, serve as first line troubleshooter for
presenters and students. Navigate resource issues across sites and campuses.
F. Schedule, prepare document review, take minutes, and maintain records for LSP CAC.
G. Assist the Curriculum Coordinator with curriculum review, reassessment and
development. Assist with preparations for regulatory body review and site visits.
H. Assist with data collection and record keeping for NBME and USMLE Steps.
I. Assist with coordination and delivery of clinical exams when needed

II. Academic Activities 15%
A. Assist faculty in preparation and delivery of case presentations and other curriculum
material for first-year medical students (eProblem-Based Learning Modules, mini cases,
assessment cases).
B. Assist in monitoring and maintaining the existing system of data collection and
management for curriculum and program evaluation to be used for research purposes.
Assist in developing new systems for new processes and data analysis as needed.

III. Service 15%
A. Attend LSP Staff, Year Director/Coordinator meetings, tutor meetings, unit meetings, PA
Program CNC
B. Carbondale Support Team.
C. Representation of the School of Medicine to its varied publics, as assigned.
D. Sensitive to the needs of underrepresented minority populations.


Master’s Degree in Science, English, Education, or related field; professional experience in
education, medical education, or related areas at an institution of higher learning; knowledge of instructional design; knowledge of educational theory and methodology; excellent organizational skills and problem-solving ability; ability to work with a wide variety of basic science and clinical faculty; excellent oral and written communication skills; editing skills. Sensitive to the needs of underrepresented minority populations.

Experience in medical education; experience with clinical medicine and/or clinical simulations;
research and publication experience; knowledge of problem-based learning concepts;
knowledge of existing resources available at SIU School of Medicine. Experience with relevant