Fedex Data Entry Job Description, Is Fedex Hiring Work From Home, Does Fedex Have Remote Jobs

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The Information base Administration Right hand will uphold the utilization, setup, and customization of DHIS2 frameworks/SQL. The ideal applicant will get ready and update preparing materials and convey preparing on DHIS2. The up-and-comer will likewise offer help in information examination and the executives, and guarantee ordinary support of data sets/data frameworks.

Expected set of responsibilities/Prerequisites


  • Upgrading the versatility and execution of existing data set engineering.
  • Creating information base designs and highlights as indicated by hierarchical necessities.
  • Safeguarding information by creating information security and reclamation arrangements, methodology, and controls.
  • Performing data set upkeep, movement, and overhauling equipment and programming.
  • Recording processes and following accepted procedures in data set administration.
  • Staying up with the latest with improvements and patterns in data set administration.
  • Add to information quality and respectability by directing remote spot-checks to confirm information and research information peculiarities.
  • Create and share data sets and configurations for announcing data


  • Least of a Four year college education expected in Administration Data Frameworks, Software engineering/Designing, Math, Measurements or a degree with adequate information and data set ideas liked.
  • Progressed and inside and out information on the utilization of dhis2(configuration and customization) is an or more.
  • Solid information on Succeed, PostgreSQL, Data set Standards, and Medical care information.
  • Least of 4 years experience in data set administration and utilization of dhis2.
  • High level capability in Organized Question Language (SQL).
  • Progressed insightful and critical thinking abilities.
  • Remarkable hierarchical abilities and scrupulousness.
  • Inside and out information on data set advancements, engineering, and information security.
  • Information on prescribed procedures in data set administration.


Fedex Data Entry Job Description, Is Fedex Hiring Work From Home, Does Fedex Have Remote Jobs