Part Time Sales Representative, Work from Home Remotely

Vector Marketing is looking to fill part-time sales posit

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ions right away. Request an interview today and start work within the week.

What are the position details? Our reps sell Cutco products through one-on-one appointments, explaining the products, and placing any orders. Previous work experience isn’t required, we are just looking for people who enjoy working with others.

Reps are paid $24.00 base-appt that isn’t based on sales or results, but they can earn more based on commission. If they have an off week, they still get paid for the work they did, but can earn more based on performance.

We help reps create a schedule that works best for them. Some work as much as possible, some part time, and others are just looking to make some extra income around their classes, other jobs, and family obligations.

The products are used in the kitchen and some outdoor tools as well. Previous knowledge about home goods, sales, or work experience is not needed. We are just looking for people who enjoy working with others.

We’ve been training people to do well for over 40 years. Even if someone doesn’t stay with us long term – the sales, networking, and communication skills they build are needed for every field. Reps work from home or locally after training. Most meetings and training are held in the office.

What are the basic requirements? – Enjoys working with others

  • All ages 18 + or 17 and graduating in 2024 are encouraged to apply
  • Some conditions apply
  • Able to interview within the week
  • Willing to learn and apply new skills